Volunteer with MSP

My Sisters Place is made possible through the dedication of more than 200 active volunteers every year.

Lipsticks for NICU’s

We’re proud to announce we are launching a Mother’s Day inspired lipstick project. Our renowned lipstick project discreetly embeds safety plans and domestic violence resources within lipstick tubes.

Historically, as detailed in our 2001 annual report, we distributed these lipsticks to beauty salons. However, we’ve identified a new demand for these resources within Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) across the broader Washington Area. We invite volunteers to join us in assembling more lipsticks for distribution, recognizing the heightened risk of domestic violence for new mothers.

Volunteering for the lipstick project would take place on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. Sign up to volunteer by contacting our Volunteer Manager, Angela Cavanaugh.

Volunteer Program Update

We’re thrilled to announce that we are currently undergoing a revamp of our volunteer process to better serve our community and enhance your experience with us. Our goal is to streamline the process, making it easier for you to get involved and make a difference.

During this transition period, we appreciate your patience and understanding. We want to ensure that when we roll out the new volunteer process, it will be as smooth and seamless as possible. Additionally, we’re excited to let you know that we’ll have new volunteer positions available in the fall! These positions will offer exciting opportunities for you to contribute your skills and passion to meaningful projects within our organization.

Please stay tuned for further updates and announcements about the new volunteer process and upcoming positions. We can’t wait to continue our journey together and make a positive impact on our community.

Sign up to receive alerts for volunteer opportunities in the future here https://forms.office.com/r/swGc9G1hyv. Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication.

If you have additional questions regarding group volunteer events, please contact our Volunteer Manager, Angela Cavanaugh.